Archive for June 2010

All the Small things…   2 comments

Sometimes I think that I let some really little things get to me.. they really take their toll..  and they really are just little things.. things that really don’t matter in the long run. Sometimes people are just expressing their opinions on subjects that are near and dear to my heart.. They just have the opposite opinion then I do. These are things that shouldn’t have any bearing on my day, but for some reason they do.

I know that I just have to let these things go.. I have to prey about them.. and just let them go.

Posted June 28, 2010 by richierich31 in Uncategorized

Like a Piece was Missing.   2 comments

Wow.. what a day I had today.. I regained a piece of my heart. I piece that hasn’t been there for many years. Exactly how many I really don’t know. I think that its somewhere around 13 or 14 years I have been without these pieces. So here is a little bit of the backstory…

My mother and my real father were married and then got divorced… like many other families. Their marriage wasn’t the most happy and beautiful thing. Not at all.  Not very good memories for me really.. of what I can remember.

My mother got remarried when I was about 10 I think. I really can’t remember exactly when… One of the great things that my stepfather brought with him was two girls.. my new step sisters. We really were like the Brady Bunch.. and that was how it was going to be for a little while.. It seemed like a really long time to me, taking into account how long I had been alive.

Well… things happened. Some things that happened that I really didn’t understand at the time, but they happened. Somewhere along the way I lost my sisters. The two that had really been the closest thing to blood sisters that I had ever known, or had known of up until then were gone.

For years I was preoccupied with other things in my life… like alcohol, partying, being the center of everything… you know all of the good ones… but I always thought of my big sisters… and wondered where the heck there were. I always wondered what they were doing with their lives. There was always a really big hole that I knew someday would be filled..

Well… that day was today. I had tried many times since I had gotten sober to find them.. I think that it really had come down to mis-spelling one of their names… trying to find one of them on Facebook. Thats how God wanted it to happen, or not to happen. Thats the way that it was supposed to go down.

Today I got a message while I was at work… that one of my long lost sisters was looking for me. So I called her.. and found out that she had been looking for a long time.. just like I had been.

And So it begins.. a whole new chapter in my life… a chapter with my two sisters.. that I haven’t seen in a long time.. and all of the things that come with them… like nieces and nephews.

Posted June 16, 2010 by richierich31 in family

Just go for it.   2 comments

This is what was on my mind. A couple of funny pictures and a feeling that I have in my heart. I just have to go for it. 100% do or die go for it. God will be there for me.

Posted June 14, 2010 by richierich31 in Uncategorized